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Beekeeper’s Daughter(Single)

  • 藝人:The All-American Rejects
  • 語種:英語
  • 唱片公司:Interscope
  • 發行時間:2012-02-03
  • 上傳者:Interscope 上傳時間:2012-02-03
  • 專輯類別:EP
  • 專輯熱度:

"Beekeeper's Daughter" captures a tumultuous time while Ritter was living in Los Angeles after wrapping two years of touring behind the band's 2008 album When the World Comes Down.
  "'Beekeeper's Daughter' is a story about a guy who thinks he can get away with anything and always have a girl there waiting for him," Ritter says. "He never backs down from that opinion. At the end of it, he's even stronger and more snide and thinks he's invincible no matter what. He's an asshole, but at that point in my life, I was kind of an asshole. As we were making Kids in the Street, I went from that to being a completely humbled guy who's looking at his reflection saying, ‘Wow, what have I done?' It may make me not seem very likeable, but it was important that I be truthful and really open up on this album about what I've been through."
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1.Beekeeper’s Daughter - The All-American Rejects

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