姓 名:Alex Ubago
英文名: Alex Ubago
國(guó) 家:歐美


1981年出生在西班牙巴斯克維多利亞(Vitoria),4歲隨父母遷到 圣塞巴斯蒂安。 他15歲就開始寫歌,當(dāng)有了5首創(chuàng)作后,請(qǐng)一個(gè)音樂(lè)人表兄在自己家的錄音棚錄制成歌, 他的現(xiàn)任經(jīng)紀(jì)人伊尼戈(Íñigo Argomaniz)聽到他的作品后,建議他多寫些歌。2000年10月與唱片公司Dro簽約;2001年初開始和制作人戈麥斯(Jesús N. Gómez)錄制專輯。 2001年9月,發(fā)行第一張專輯,"¿Qué pides tú?"(英譯:What Do You Ask For?), 首發(fā)70000張, 最后全球銷量達(dá)到一百五十萬(wàn)。同時(shí)開始在西班牙和拉美的巡演。 一年后,獲9張白金唱片(90萬(wàn)張)。首張專輯中與“梵高的左耳”前女主唱 阿瑪伊婭 (Amaia Montero)合唱的歌曲《無(wú)所畏懼》("Sin miedo a nada") 被音樂(lè)廣播los40的網(wǎng)友評(píng)為史上最好的愛(ài)情歌曲。 02年11月推出第二張專輯《Fantasía o realidad》。獲2張白金唱片。在美國(guó)市場(chǎng)發(fā)行后,獲得金唱片。同年,在邁阿密MTV頒獎(jiǎng)禮上演出。這張專輯在05年獲多項(xiàng)獎(jiǎng),憑借歌曲"Aunque no te pueda ver" 獲美國(guó)作曲家、作者與出版者協(xié)會(huì)獎(jiǎng)、 歌曲"Mejor tema pop latino del año" y la "Canción más radiada"登上2005Billboard拉丁榜。 2002年 Premio Ondas“全國(guó)最佳歌手” 2002年 3項(xiàng)Premios Amigo: 最佳男歌手、最佳新人、最佳唱片 06年9月推出第三章專輯《玻璃飛機(jī)》(“Aviones de Cristal”), 延續(xù)前兩張唱片風(fēng)格。 2009年10月推出新專輯《幻想街》 Calle Ilusión.并開始在西班牙各大城市和拉美宣傳。
Spanish Latin pop star Alex Ubago was born in Vitoria on January 29, 1981. His family moved to San Sebastian when Alex, an only child, was four. Just for the fun of creating, Ubago wrote his first song at the age of 15. He taught himself to sing, solely to hear how his songs sounded. Without career designs, after writing several songs Ubago contacted his cousin David, who was a musician with a home studio. Together, the two recorded some of Ubago's compositions, hoping to present them to Ubago's girlfriend as a birthday present. It didn't take long before these casual recordings fell into the hands of manager Inigio Argomaniz, who presented the material to some industry friends. Ubago was gently urged to record some more of his material, and in time enough material had been written to be formally presented. The hands in which the new songs landed were those of DRO Atlantic artistic director Alfonso Perez. In October of 2000 the contracts were signed. Three years later Que Pides Tu was released, followed by 2004's Fantasia o Realidad, which would win Ubago international stardom. The latter record achieved gold and platinum status, given its strong sales in Spain, Latin America, and the U.S. In 2006 Ubago released Aviones de Cristal, featuring the song "Viajar Contigo," one of Ubago's many Billboard chart successes.

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