Salem Al Fakir

姓 名:Salem Al Fakir
英文名: Salem Al Fakir
國 家:歐美


Salem al Fakir, 來自瑞典的獨立音樂創(chuàng)作人及樂器演奏家。音樂極具流行電音的風格。2007年與EMI公司聯(lián)合發(fā)行的專輯This Is Who I Am橫霸瑞典專輯排行榜榜首。Salem于四歲開始練習小提琴,隨后又投入到爵士鋼琴的學習當中。Salem早期作為一名幕后音樂創(chuàng)作人,為許多專輯都配過樂,其中包括Governor Andy的Torra Benens Dal (2002) 及 Örjan Hultén Trio的 Ayouni (2005);同時他也與瑞典的二人說唱組合Snook有過密切的合作。作為一名獨立藝人,Salem于2006年發(fā)行了他的首張商業(yè)性質(zhì)的EP專輯Dream Girl,EP囊括5首曲目,其中主打歌曲一經(jīng)發(fā)布便打入了瑞典個人單曲排行榜的前30名。2007年正式發(fā)行的全新專輯This Is Who I Am不僅在商業(yè)上獲得巨大成功,同時也為Salem贏得了7項瑞典格萊美獎提名,并最終榮獲最佳新人、最佳制作人以及最佳創(chuàng)作人三項大獎。此外,Salem還于2009年發(fā)行了他的第二張個人專輯Astronaut,其中單曲"It's Only You, Pt. 2","Astronaut" 及 "Roxy"入圍當年十大熱門單曲。
Multi-instrumentalist Salem Al Fakir was born October 27, 1981, in metropolitan Stockholm. The youngest of four, he was raised by his Syrian father and Swedish mother. Al Fakir studied at the renowned Södra Latin School, where he mastered both violin and piano. The musical prodigy was touring as a solo violinist throughout Russia by the age of 12. As time marched on, Al Fakir turned that instrumental virtuosity toward pop-oriented instruments, primarily keyboards, but also including drums, bass, guitar, and a variety of more obscure musical instruments like xylophone. His childlike voice and unapologetically poppy arrangements were first heard on his hit single debut, "Dream Girl." The song was released at the end of 2006, priming audiences for the January 2007 release of his debut record, This Is Who I Am. Noted for its extreme musical sophistication and an amazing array of styles (including rock, soul, gospel, and classical), the record stayed in the national Top Ten for several weeks, and wasted no time in going gold. Al Fakir stayed close to home following the record's success, touring primarily in and around Sweden.

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