Melody Gardot

姓 名:Melody Gardot
英文名: Melody Gardot
國 家:歐美


●驚動樂界,亞馬遜音樂Amazon全美暢銷音樂專輯總排行No. 1之新時代女聲奇跡締造者
●AMG 全音樂4顆星絕賞評價 魅爵女聲,酷漾才女
  僅以22歲的芳華之年在樂壇以酷酷風(fēng)格急速崛起,這張個人的初試啼聲全創(chuàng)作專輯“悸動芳心”在日前的亞馬遜音樂Amazon的全美唱片銷售統(tǒng)計中(請注意,是所有唱片專輯的排行,而不是個別分類的評比)令人驚嘆地拿下了No.1第一名!美樂蒂.佳朵Melody Gardot,一位樂風(fēng)根植于流行音樂、爵士、鄉(xiāng)村、搖滾、藍(lán)調(diào)之間,能透過多元風(fēng)格的徘徊穿梭而唱出興味盎然的當(dāng)代新韻,并以動人聲線的低吟淺唱擄獲聽眾的跟隨,堪稱是后現(xiàn)代酷酷新聲的第一人。
The story of vocalist Melody Gardot is as remarkable as any who perseveres against abject adversity. Born in New Jersey in 1985, she took up piano and played as a youngster on the nightclub scene of Philadelphia, influenced by jazz, folk, rock and pop musics. At age 19 she was a fashion student at the Community College Of Philadelphia.
But, on a fateful day, while riding her bicycle, the driver of a Jeep made an illegal turn, hurdling into Gardot and leaving her in the street for dead. Hospitalized for months with multiple head injuries and pelvic fractures, her love for music was the best therapy she could receive. While in her hospital bed, she wrote and recorded songs that would become the EP "Some Lessons." Upon her eventual release from intensive care, Gardot found the strength and determination to further her career as an artist. Blessed with a beautiful voice and grand insight as a songwriter, her cognitive powers slowly but surely became pronounced, leading to the independent recording and release of her debut CD, "Worrisome Heart," which was reissued in 2007 by Verve records. Her music could be described as a cross between Laura Nyro, Joni Mitchell, Eva Cassidy and Shania Twain, but goes deeper than mere pop convention. Gardot is hypersensitive to light and noise, thus she wears dark glasses, and uses a cane to walk. On stage she requires a special seating unit, and wears a Transcutaneous Electro-Nerve Stimulator, a TENS device, to assist in alleviating her neuralgic muscle pain. As amazing as her story is, what is more evident is that she posesses a blue style and persona that reflects not only her afflictions, but conversely the hope and joy of making personalized music that marks her as an individual and original. Though touring is difficult, she has been performing in major cities on the East Coast to support her recordings.

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