姓 名:Kaki King
英文名: Kaki King
國 家:歐美


Kaki King,出生在亞特蘭大,現居住在紐約。4歲被身為律師的爸爸發現其身上的音樂天賦,并開始學習吉他的演奏,9歲的時候學習鼓并且在高中的時候,擔任了樂隊的鼓手。在成長過程中受到Nick Drake,Elliot Smith,Red House Painters等的影響,并逐漸形成彈撥吉他與敲擊吉他制造鼓的效果相結合的音樂演奏風格。
by Marisa Brown
Growing up, Kaki King's passions were drums and Brit-pop, and she figured if she ever made it big it would be because of her skills behind the kit. However, her musical talents didn't stop there: she also played the guitar, and though she learned Beatles and Fleetwood Mac songbooks, she found herself drawn to the styles of Preston Reed and Michael Hedges. Moving from Atlanta to New York to attend college, King got her first taste of solo guitar performance thanks to campus open-mike nights, and upon graduation in 2001 she decided to pursue the instrument more seriously. She started playing in subways, a venue that helped her develop her percussive technique, and when passengers would ask her if she had CDs, she realized that she could possibly make a living as a musician. A copy of her 2002 demo got her a short gig at the Tap Bar in the Knitting Factory, where she was seen by Velour Records head Jeff Krasno, who released her debut, Everybody Loves You, the following year. King moved to Epic imprint Red Ink for her second album, 2004's Legs to Make Us Longer, but she returned to Velour for 2006's Until We Felt Red, which, in addition to including other instrumentation (which was also found on Legs to Make Us Longer), had King's singing prominently featured. After a busy 2007 -- not only was the guitarist recording her fourth full-length she also appeared on albums from Tegan and Sara and the Foo Fighters and contributed to the soundtracks for Into the Wild and August Rush -- King released Dreaming of Revenge in March of 2008.

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