姓 名:Brand New
英文名: Brand New
國 家:歐美


充滿年輕活力氣息、宣泄龐克強勁力道、挾帶EMO聲調(diào)表情,一組引起全美地下獨立搖滾界矚目的優(yōu)質(zhì)新團Brand New,也許對你而言是組全新樂團,但是,他們累積出精湛舞臺演出,深具實力的表現(xiàn),成熟扎實的樂曲編排,加上各團員功夫了得的樂器演奏,Brand New是你2007年首組不能錯過的搖滾部隊。
1990年底隨著Post-Hardcore樂團The Rookie Lot解體,當中負責主唱/詞曲創(chuàng)作核心/吉他/鋼琴的Jesse Lacey、貝斯手Garrett Tierney與鼓手Brian Lane等團員,開始理出新的音樂方向,就在吉他手Vin Accardi加入后,Brand New正式成軍,而團名靈感則是取自白人饒舌團隊Beastie Boys 1995年EP《Aglio e Olio》中的同名作品。2001年于獨立廠牌旗下發(fā)行首張專輯《Your Favorite Weapon》,贏得極佳回響,成為大型龐克音樂祭的座上嘉賓,與兒時玩伴Taking Back Sunday攜手巡回演出。2003年的作品《Deja Entendu》,在毫無強力商業(yè)廣告促銷下,仍挺進全美流行專輯榜Top63位置,成為「Rate Your Music」音樂2003年度百大專輯第八名。
進入名廠Interscope Records旗下,籌備錄制一年多的首張主流大廠專輯《The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me》,2006年先行在美國推出空降全美流行專輯榜Top31位置,2007年正式在全球問世。請到Mike Sapone (Taking Back Sunday、Public Enemy)與Brand New各團員共同監(jiān)制。敘述錄制這張新輯期間,喪失親友傷痛的首支主攻曲<Sowing Season (Yeah)>,深沉緩調(diào)的培養(yǎng)情緒作前引,一聲嘶吼劃破原本寂靜氣流,帶入瀕臨崩潰邊緣將一切難過與無奈一傾而泄;原本選為第一波主打的<Degausser>,同樣也是挾雜在落差極為明顯EMO聲音表情中,更堆迭出多重合聲加強其力道,并是Jesse在演唱會現(xiàn)場最愛演唱的作品;回湯在低迷聲頻下的<Limousine (MS Rebridge)>,是首相當沉重感傷之作,敘述年僅七歲的Katie Flynn,參加完阿姨婚禮,于回家路上發(fā)生車禍當場慘死之不幸;以吉他輕彈拉開序幕的<Luca>,寫出關(guān)于經(jīng)典電影「教父」中Luca Brasi個性之小品;鼓噪的<The Archers Bows Have Broken>輕易的將聽者高漲情緒再度拉至頂端。這張值得你擁有的大作,已成為各媒體爭相推薦優(yōu)選:AP五星滿分、AMG四星半、Kerrang四星、 PopMatters(8/10)、Spin三星半、The Guardian與滾石音樂雜志三星…等好評保證。
Formed on Long Island, NY, Brand New appeared on the punk-pop scene in 2000. Consisting of drummer Brian Lane, vocalist/guitarist Jesse Lacey, bassist Garrett Tierney, and guitarist Vin Accardi, the band began making a name for itself on the local scene with a self-released four-song demo and shows with bands like Midtown and Glassjaw. In 2001, they issued their first record, Your Favorite Weapon, on Triple Crown, produced by friend Mike Sapone. Lacey's clever and cutting lyrics sprinkled the album, which produced the semi-hit "Jude Law and a Semester Abroad," and more touring with Taking Back Sunday and Finch followed. Proving to be more than just another punk-pop band, the group made something of a stylistic leap with Deja Entendu, a decidedly matured follow-up, recorded with Steve Haigler (Pixies, Blake Babies) and released in summer 2003 to rave reviews from critics and fans alike. Music videos for "The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows" and "Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades" found constant airplay on MTV, while earning Brand New slots with New Found Glory, Good Charlotte, Dashboard Confessional, and blink-182. By fall, as the band's notable underground following continued to grow in strides, they inked a deal with Dreamworks, which later led to them finding a home on Interscope following the former label's buyout. Touring eventually slowed to a halt as Brand New holed themselves up to work on their third full-length and major-label debut. After an extended quiet spell -- little to no interviews or updates came from the band's camp for quite some time -- Brand New finally emerged in summer 2006 for U.S. headlining dates, their first nationwide tour in three years. The highly anticipated The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me appeared in November 2006. Though significantly darker and less immediate than past efforts, the album was praised for its depth and maturity, and the band supported it on a soldout spring 2007 tour.

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