姓 名:Samavayo
英文名: Samavayo
國(guó) 家:歐美


SAMAVAYO derives from Sanskrit and means Unity. Since 2001 it is also the name of a rock band from Berlin. Formed by four young men whose joint history goes way back to high school, the band’s aim has always been not to make music of only one genre. Three years rehearsal room followed until the quartet decided to enter live stages. Until today, the band has played more than 300 shows throughout Europe.
Musically, SAMAVAYO always ranged between the poles Pop and Metal. Later they added a trace of Stoner rock.
Their first self produced album “Death.March.Melodies!“ was released in 2005/2006. The very dark and stoner-esque record still allowed a melodious note of pop.
In collaboration with Kurt Ebelhäuser, 2008 a double EP came into being which kept SAMAVAYO’s tough sound and yet left it soft enough for the radios – the best of both worlds, hence the double EP.
The next bigger step towards their own style was taken in 2010 when Samavayo invented a new genre called "Fuel".
"Fuel is to Berlin, what Grunge was to Seattle". This quote isn't meant dead seriously. Meeting the Berlin-reality is what stands behind the sound concept of "Fuel". There is no place in this world that could be compared to Berlin when it comes to the number of the many different styles of music and clubs which play those. The influence can be heard clearly and is perfectly integrated in their songwriting. Rock, Dub, Jazz, Club, Disco, Elektro, Pop, Stoner, Funk, Metal and switching singing moods and styles are to be found in their music and that is exactly what constitutes "Fuel".
The "Fuel"-debut by the four Berliners, Behrang Alavi, Marco Wirth and the brothers Stephan and Andreas Voland was recorded with ONE MILLION THINGS in 2010. This purposely happened just like in the younger days of rock’n’roll – analogue. Sounding contemporary without losing the essence and musical heritage of the past is the band’s internal credo.
On this record SAMAVAYO has worked a lot in detail like bands where used to in the 70ies. Listeners will find instruments like megaphones, banjo, harp, santur, moog and bandonion, instruments rarely used or at least in these combinations.
On stage the band uses the whole power of their bodies to put over their energy to the fans. A real challenge completing its task which is to unite the endless facets within the world of sounds.


