Spice Girls

姓 名:Spice Girls
英文名: Spice Girls
國 家:歐美


Spice Girls 是唯一一支沒有受到獨立 pop-rock 影響的英國90年代中期樂隊。相反,這支全部由女生組成的五人組合卻繼承了由英國90年代早期最流行的樂隊 Take That 帶來的dance-pop 的表演風(fēng)格。The Spice Girls 使用 dance-pop 作為她們的音樂基礎(chǔ),但同時又注入了強烈的女性獨立風(fēng)格,幾乎可以與 Madonna 相當(dāng)。使她們成為跨世代成功的樂隊的原因主要是她們的靚女形象和勁舞風(fēng)格贏得了年輕一代的歌迷;而同時,她們多彩性感的人格和幽默感又使老一代的樂迷很喜歡。
英國的宣傳界在一開始就給Spice Girls 的每一個成員都分配了獨特的身份,而且每一個標(biāo)志都既是她們的真實人格的外延,又成為市場化的工具。而這些名字都是從她們的首支單曲" Wannabe "中得來的。
Geri Estelle Halliwell 是" sexy Spice ";
Melanine Janine Brown 是" scary Spice ";
Victoria Addams 是" the posh Spice ";
Melanie Jayne Chisholm 是" the sporty Spice ";
Emma Lee Bunton 被稱為" the shy Spice "。
每個名字都被用在了樂隊的報道和 MTV 中,這種創(chuàng)意使 " Wannabe "在1996年夏天發(fā)行的時候一下子登上了榜首。
緊接著第二張專輯Spiceworld和電影《天旋地轉(zhuǎn)》同步推出,而也還展開全球巡回演唱會。當(dāng)時僅發(fā)行兩張專輯SpiceGirls,其全球銷售量已經(jīng)累積到3800萬張,并且拿下8支英國排行榜冠軍單曲,包括Wannabe、SayYou‘llBeThere、TwoBecomeOne、Mama/WhoDoYouThinkYouAre、SpiceUpYourLife、TooMuch、VivaForever和Goodbye。第6首冠軍單曲TooMuch讓她們成為第一個連續(xù)擁有6首冠軍單曲的女子團(tuán)體,因此受到各大音樂雜志的熱切關(guān)注;而Wannabe更讓SpiceGirls成為繼1964年的女子美聲合唱團(tuán)Supremes之后,首度登上英國金榜冠軍的女子團(tuán)體。自1952年開始有英國金榜以來,除了披頭四之外,也只有SpiceGirls能夠蟬連三年圣誕節(jié)冠軍。 出道短短的時間內(nèi)SpiceGirls也囊括多項音樂大獎:
by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
Spice Girls were the first major British pop music phenomenon of the mid-90s to not have a debt to independent pop/rock. Instead, the all-female quintet derived from the dance-pop tradition that made Take That the most popular British group of the early 90s, but there was one crucial difference. Spice Girls use dance-pop as a musical base, but they infused the music with a fiercely independent, feminist stance that was equal parts Madonna, post-riot grrrl alternative rock feminism, and a co-opting of the good-times-all-the-time stance of Englands new lad culture. Their proud, all-girl image and catchy dance-pop appealed to younger listeners, while their colorful, sexy personalities and sense of humor appealed to older music fans, making Spice Girls a cross-generational success. The group also became chart-toppers throughout Europe in 1996, before concentrating in America in early 1997.
Every member of Spice Girls was given a specific identity by the British press from the outset, and each label was as much an extension of their own personality as it was a marketing tool, since each name derived from their debut single and video, Wannabe. Geri Estelle Halliwell was the sexy Spice; Melanie Janine Brown was the scary Spice; Victoria Adams was the posh Spice; Melanie Jayne Chisholm was the sporty Spice; Emma Lee Bunton was the baby Spice. Each one of these personas were exploited in the groups press articles and videos, which helped send Wannabe to the top of the charts upon its summer release in 1996. If all of the invented personalities makes Spice Girls seem manufactured, thats because they are to a certain extent. Every member of the group was active in Englands theatrical, film, and modeling circuit, and they all responded to an advertisement requesting five lively girls for a musical group in the summer of 1993. The manager who placed the ad chose all five members of Spice Girls, yet the women rejected his plans for their career and set out on their own two months after forming. For the next two years, the Girls fought to get a record contract, since most record labels insisted that the band pick one member as a clear leader, which is something the group refused.
Eventually, Spice Girls signed a contract to Virgin Records, but they were without a manager, which made recording a debut album nearly impossible. All five members moved into a house and went on the dole as they searched for a manager. By the end of 1995, the group had signed with Annie Lennoxs manager Simon Fuller, and began writing songs with Elliot Kennedy. Wannabe, Spice Girls first single, was released in the summer of 1996, and it became the first debut single by an all-female band to enter the charts at number one in England. It remained at number one for seven weeks, and by the end of the year, Wannabe had hit number one in 21 other countries. Immediately following the success of Wannabe, Spice Girls became media icons in Britain as stories of their encounters with other celebrities became fodder for numerous tabloids, as did nude photos of Halliwell that she posed for earlier in her career. All of this added to the groups momentum, and their second single, Say Youll Be There, entered the charts at number one in the fall, selling 200,000 copies a week. Spice, their debut album, was released at the end of the year, accompanied by their first ballad, 2 Become 1. Both the album and single went directly to number one, staying there for several weeks; both records were at number one over the Christmas week, making Spice Girls one of three artists to achieve that feat.
Having topped the charts in virtually every other country in the Western world, Spice Girls concentrated on America in early 1997, releasing Wannabe in January and Spice in February.
They became massive stars in the U.S. as well, also scoring the hits Say Youll Be There and 2 Become 1; Spiceworld, their second LP, appeared later in the year in conjunction with their feature film of the same name. In May 1998, Geri Halliwell departed from the band, not citing major reasons for leaving the group. She did release a solo album, Schizophonic, a year later, but nothing chart-topping to match the success of her former band. Still not deterred by the absence of Ginger Spice, Spice Girls trudged on — Melanie B. married Spice Girls dancer Jimmy Gulzar and released the solo single, a duet with Missy Misdemeanor Elliot called I Want You Back. By Christmas, Spice Girls scored a number one hit with Goodbye and with a career floating high, their personal lives were moving as well. Melanie B. gave birth to a daughter named Phoenix Chi in February 1999, and Adams followed a month later with a son, Brooklyn Joseph. And now only known as Victoria Beckham, Posh Spice married Manchester United soccer star David Beckham later that summer. Becoming now more noticeable for their social status than their singing, Spice Girls took a well-deserved break while Melanie C. took over the English charts with her successful solo effort Northern Star, which was released in the U.S. in fall 1999. The following year, the girls headed back into the studio with high-profile producers Rodney Jerkins, Terry Lewis, and Jimmy Jam (Janet Jackson, Mary J. Blige) to record a follow-up to their pop-friendly Spiceworld.
In the middle of recording, Melanie B. divorced Gulzar and endured a bitter custody battle throughout the remainder of 2000. Spice Girls creative power overruled media scrutiny so that they could fully focus on the new R&B sound they were trying for and a the new collaboration united the foursome once again to release the third album Forever, which hit American shores in fall 2000.
The group began to splinter not long after the release of Forever, which made little impact outside of the UK where it only had one hit single - the chart-topping double-sided single “Holler”/”Let Love Lead the Way” - before the Spice Girls stopped promoting the album. Just three months after the albums November 2000 release, the band announced that they were separating in February of 2001.
Over the next few years, the Spice Girls may not have existed as a group but they were never out of various taboild headlines in the UK and the US. As the wife of football superstar David Beckham, Victoria got the most attention, but Mel B wasnt far behind thanks to her ill-fated romance with actor Eddie Murphy which resulted in an out-of-wedlock child. Mel Chisholm had a steady career as a pop singer while Emma Bunton had some chart success of her own with her 2001 album A Girl Like Me and its 2004 successor, Free Me. Meanwhile, Geri Halliwell split her time between recording and TV projects.
After years of persistent rumors of a reunion - peaking heavily yet never materializing for Bob Geldolfs 2005 charity event Live 8 — the Spice Girls announced in June 2007 that they would be reuniting for an eleven-concert tour beginning that December, which would be accompanied by a new greatest hits album and documentary.

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