Friendly Fires

姓 名:Friendly Fires
英文名: Friendly Fires
國 家:歐美


自英倫歷史悠久的古城St. Albans的這組新銳樂隊Friendly Fires,稍早在任天堂Wii Fit廣告中的配樂單曲〈On Board〉,并陸續為一干樂團暖場演出后,已悄然擄獲樂迷與圈中人士等各方視線相當矚目?!綱ice】雜志譽為「明年最該注意的樂隊!」、Fact雜志:「其它音樂都沒這么棒!」、Clashy雜志:「當代最佳放克+龐克音樂」、NME預測「前景一片光明、令人興奮激動的樂隊」。簡單的3人樂隊編制:Ed Macfarlane(Guitar/Vocal)、Ed Gibson(Rhythm Guitar)、Jack Savidge(Drum)卻譜出蹦蹦跳跳的 Pop / Disco House / Shoegaze三條交錯而來的音樂路線。光聽鼓的節奏就足夠讓一票幼兒園小孩手舞足蹈,吉他在鼓擊與嗓音間穿梭,加上主唱奔放中些微憂郁的歌唱,如斯的音樂情緒不得不讓人想起Electropop+Dance Punk樂隊Hot Chip與老團Daft Punk共同交織而來的熱氣與熱力。
Playing dance-oriented music with the feel of indie pop but the insistent pulse of disco, Friendly Fires hail from St. Albans in Hertfordshire, England. Featuring Ed Macfarlane on vocals and keyboards, Edd Gibson on guitar, and Jack Savidge on drums, all three members of Friendly Fires were in their early twenties when they began making a splash on the U.K. music scene in 2006. After winning a following for their live work, they released their debut recording, an EP titled Photobooth, through the independent People in the Sky label near the end of 2006. The initial limited-edition pressing soon sold out, and demand for the record prompted a re-press by the time their second EP, Cross the Line, appeared in the summer of 2007. The acclaimed indie label Moshi Moshi Records picked up Friendly Fires for their third release, the single "Paris" b/w "Ex-Lover," issued on October 12, 2007. Thanks to a stylish video directed by Price James and a number of enthusiastic reviews, "Paris" became a hit, and the band landed a high-profile touring slot opening for Interpol on their U.K. tour. XL Recordings, one of England's biggest and most influential independent labels, signed the group to a recording contract; while working on their debut album, the band played New Musical Express' 2008 New Noise Tour. Friendly Fires arrived later that year.

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