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姓 名:Murs
英文名: Murs
國 家:歐美


地下饒舌歌手Murs是El-P的多年老友,他于2003年來到El-P的個人廠牌Def Jux并推出了一張令地下界稱道的專輯《The End of the Beginning》。之前,Murs曾經(jīng)是嘻哈三人組Three Melancholy Gypsies的成員(另兩人分別是Eligh和Scarub),那還是1993年的事,后來Murs率領(lǐng)他的Three Melancholy Gypsies加入了包括奧克蘭、舊金山海岸線,以及洛杉磯,甚至日本和歐洲的超級世界嘻哈組合The Living Legends。經(jīng)歷了著各種磨礪,十年時間,無論是在這兩支團(tuán)體還是為別的藝人工作,Murs一共參與了超過二十于張唱片的制作,直到老友El-P把他召入麾下。2003年的首張在Def Jux發(fā)行的專輯由Murs和El-P共同完成制作,堪稱經(jīng)典之作,而在隨后的一年,2004年3月,人們又迎來了Murs的最新作品。
在專輯《Murs 3:16: The 9th Edition》中,Murs自行主理了各方面的事情,從前期的創(chuàng)作到后期的制作,再到客串藝人的邀請和最后把這些繁雜的事情熔為一爐,Murs忙的不亦樂乎。Murs說他在Def Jux的工作很開心也很穩(wěn)定,他對自己有如此高漲的創(chuàng)造熱情而高興。同時,Murs為Def Jux拉來了新的一票忠實聽眾,這也是老板El-P最想看到的。在Def Jux中最顯與眾不同,區(qū)別于El-P等人的IDM+Hip Hop的音樂方針,以出色的Flow和獨特氣質(zhì),Murs可以被視為如今地下說唱屆最耀眼的明星。
by Bradley Torreano
A longtime friend of Definitive Jux leader El-P, rapper Murs first appeared as a solo artist in 2003, after nearly a decade of working with various groups in the underground. Based in Los Angeles, his first single was released in 1993, and came from a self-released album by his first group, 3 Melancholy Gypsies. The track barely made a dent, but it did catch the attention of indie hip-hop fans in the area. Through time, the group members became friends with Mystik Journeymen, who asked 3MG (their shortened name) to join him when he started the Living Legends collective in 1996.
Between both 3MG and the Living Legends, Murs rapped on several influential indie rap albums, appearing on more than 20 records, EPs, and singles within a seven-year period. When El-P started to pull together his Def Jux label, Murs contacted the producer and told him he would release his solo record for the company once he had the opportunity. His commitments to both the Legends and 3MG often kept him from working on the album, but after a few years of slowly putting together tracks, Murs finally delivered The End of the Beginning in the spring of 2003.
Featuring flashier production than his group projects, the album was more in tune with a mainstream hip-hop record, though projects with Anticon rapper Slug under the name Felt — A Tribute to Christina Ricci and A Tribute to Lisa Bonet — unveiled a more experimental side to his artistry. The rapper returned to solo work with Murs 3:16: The 9th Edition, a collaboration with producer 9th Wonder, in 2004. One of the tracks from that album, Walk Like a Man, inspired a movie starring Murs himself, along with Damien Wigfall. The soundtrack, Walk Like a Man, also appeared in mid-2005. Murs teamed up again with 9th Wonder to release Murrays Revenge in 2006.


