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Y’all Ain’t Ready (Come On)

Y’all Ain’t Ready (Come On)歌曲試聽

Y’all Ain’t Ready (Come On) 歌詞

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歌手:Petey Pablo
所屬專輯:Diary Of A Sinner 1st Entry
歌曲:Y’all Ain’t Ready (Come On) mp3
Y’all Ain’t Ready (Come On) Petey Pablo歌詞

raise up - petey pablo chorus:
this one's for north carolina
c'mon and raise up
take your shirt off
twist it 'round yo' hand
spin it like a helicopter
north carolina
c'mon and raise up
this one's for you
uh-huh, this one's for who?
us, us, us
yes sir
this one's for north carolina

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